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Everything to Know About Sex Over 70

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A smiling older couple in bed looking at each other and holding hands.

While age can bring about changes in the body, many older adults live independently and continue to experience rich, fulfilling lives. For some seniors, a fulfilling life can include remaining sexually active. 

Older adults can continue to enjoy intimate relationships well into their 70s and beyond. By understanding the changes that occur in the body, nurturing emotional and physical connections, and addressing challenges head-on, older adults can maintain a healthy sex life.

Expected Changes in Seniors Over 70

Aging brings about many changes, including those that can affect sexual health. Some expected bodily changes could include: 

  • Hormonal Shifts: Low testosterone in men or decreased estrogen levels in women can affect libido and sexual function. 
  • Arthritis or joint pain: Pain can interfere with sexual contact, making intimacy uncomfortable. Chronic pain can also cause tiredness or exhaustion, reducing energy or interest in sex. 
  • Heart Disease and/or diabetes: Narrowing or constriction of arteries can affect blood flow, making it difficult to become aroused and have/maintain an erection. Unmanaged diabetes could lead to yeast infections, causing itching and irritation. 
  • Medication: Certain medications have side effects that can interfere with sex, from difficulty with arousal to vaginal dryness or erectile dysfunction. 

Enjoying Sex After 70

Aging does not mean a decrease in sexuality—in fact, older adults can enjoy new opportunities to explore intimacy in their relationships. Speaking to your partner and doctor about bodily changes, communicating your needs, and developing new strategies can help lead to a satisfying sex life well into your 70s—and beyond! 

Be Patient with Yourself

Self-esteem takes on a new role in sexual health and satisfaction as we age. It’s natural for your body to change over time, making some older adults self-conscious about these changes. However, it’s essential to remember that attractiveness is not solely based on physical appearance but also emotional connection and intimacy with a partner.

Taking your time to appreciate your body can help build confidence and enhance pleasure in sexual activities. By prioritizing self-love and acceptance, older adults can overcome insecurities and enjoy their sexuality without shame or judgment. 

Maintaining Emotional Connection

A healthy relationship thrives on emotional intimacy. Older adults can foster their connections by spending quality time together, communicating openly about their feelings, and showing appreciation for one another. Emotional closeness often translates into a more fulfilling physical relationship.

Intimacy Beyond Sex

A smiling older couple standing and holding each other in a loving embrace.

Intimacy isn’t solely about sex. Holding hands, hugging, cuddling, and gentle touches can strengthen the bond between partners. Exploring different ways to express love and desire can enhance the overall intimacy of a relationship.

Mental Health & Sex 

Mental health issues can also impact the sexual health of older adults. Conditions such as depression, anxiety, and dementia may affect libido, arousal, and overall satisfaction with sexual activity.

It’s essential to address and seek treatment to help maintain good mental health and a supportive and fulfilling sex life. Additionally, exploring therapy or counseling options can provide valuable support for managing mental health concerns that may affect intimacy in older age.

Staying Safe

Safe sex practices are vital at any age. Older adults may be more susceptible to infections as the immune system weakens with age. It’s important to have regular discussions about safe sex practices with your partner. 

Using protection—like condoms—can prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, herpatits B, and HIV. Talk to your health care provider for more information about how to protect yourself from STI’s and infections. 

Regular Check-Ups

Regular visits to a healthcare provider can help monitor and manage sexual health. Discussing any concerns or changes in sexual function with your doctor can lead to early detection and treatment of potential issues.

Health issues that can affect sexual health can include:

  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs) that can lead to pain during sex. 
  • Hormonal shifts, like those from menopause. 
  • Incontinence, which is loss of bladder control or leaking urine.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial for sexual health and satisfaction at any age, including over 70. Eating a balanced diet, staying physically active, engaging in activities, and getting enough rest can help improve overall well-being and vitality.

Additionally, avoiding excessive alcohol consumption can help prevent potential health issues that may affect sexual function. By prioritizing self-care and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, older adults can continue to enjoy their sexuality. 

Fulfilled Living with The Parkdale 

Sexuality is a lifelong journey that doesn’t end at a certain age. Don’t hesitate to seek support and explore new ways to enhance your intimate life. 

To get more information about living a vibrant, active life, contact The Parkdale to learn about our senior living options.  

Written by The Parkdale

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