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12 Senior Discounts in Michigan

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An older adult woman holding a discount coupon gift certificate in her left hand while talking to an older adult man

Retirement is a wonderful time to explore new hobbies and enjoy time with family and friends. But budgeting on a fixed income is challenging for many people, so finding good deals is both important and exciting. 

Sifting through newspapers and catalogs to find ads and coupons can be time-consuming, leading you to wonder if there’s an easier way to find senior discounts in your area. Thankfully, there is, and you’ll find a list of retailers, restaurants, and entertainment venues that offer a discount for seniors in Michigan up ahead.

At What Age Am I a Senior in Michigan?

In Michigan, the official age that signals entry into senior ranks is 62. This means (for the most part) that from the day you turn 62, you become eligible for a range of discounts, deals, and benefits. However, certain discounts are available as early as age 55.

Discounts that Delight 

Dining Delights

Savor the taste of savings at some of Michigan’s favorites with exclusive senior discounts. Here are a few establishments to tempt your palate:

  1. The Golden Coral: Get 10% off any full order, any day of the week if you’re 60+. Enjoy $1 of the buffet, and enjoy special pricing on Saturdays and Sundays.
  2. Denny’s: With locations across North America, you are sure to find one nearby. Denny’s offers 15% off their 55+ menu. If you are an AARP member, you will receive a 15% discount as well. 
  3. IHOP: IHOP offers a 55+ menu with savings bundled in, plus, they offer free pancakes on your birthday!

Entertaining Endeavors

From leisurely pastimes to thrilling excursions, enjoy Michigan’s offerings with these senior discounts in mind:

  1. Detroit Zoo: Get face-to-face with nature’s wonders and enjoy discounted admission tickets to discover new animals and view familiar favorites.
  2. The Henry Ford Museum: Step into the past and future of American innovation with reduced entry fees for seniors.
  3. AMC Theatres: Catch the latest blockbuster with a reduced ticket price and make the most of your movie night.

Health and Wellness 

Your well-being is worth its weight in gold, and these discounts support your health-related endeavors:

  1. Rite Aid: Receive 5x the points on the first Wednesday of every month with the Rite Aid Wellness+ Wednesday savings program, 65+.
  2. Walgreens: Every Tuesday is Senior Day at Walgreens with 20% off regular-priced items in-store and online.
  3. Clinton Township Senior Adult Life Center: At 55, you are eligible for membership at the Life Center. 

Shopping Smart

Feel good about treating yourself with these senior discounts:

  1. Dressbarn: Some stores offer additional discounts to seniors on certain days of the week, please call your local store for more information. 
  2. Kohl’s: With senior discounts every day, Kohl’s is your go-to store for a variety of essentials and home décor items.
  3. Goodwill: Every Thursday, use your 10% discount to shop for unique treasures at any participating Goodwill store in Michigan.

The list of savings doesn’t stop here. Michigan’s senior discounts encompass everything from utilities to travel and legal services. The best way to stay in the know is by inquiring in-store and staying connected to local senior community resources.

An older adult woman holding a credit or debit card on her left hand while doing online shopping using a laptop computer

A Penny Saved Is More than a Penny Earned

Seniors in Michigan can maximize their funds with an abundant marketplace of discounted services and products. Remember to check for any additional discounts at the stores you regularly shop at, inquire about AARP membership benefits, and check the community board for special deals.

But the value of these savings isn’t just financial. They’re a testament to the respect and gratitude society holds for its older generations. They extend a hand in reducing the cost of living to honor a lifetime of contributions, wisdom, and stories that seniors bring to the table.

In addition to the savings they offer, senior discounts are about the community they build, the conversations they ignite, and the moments they make possible. This means taking advantage of them can create new experiences. 

Enjoy Michigan’s Sweetest Senior Perks 

Michigan stands by you with a wealth of discounts to enhance your daily life. Many options are available in your area, and this guide serves as only a snapshot of what’s currently available. 

There’s a vitality in stretching your dollar as far as it will go, and in Michigan, it goes further for our seniors. We invite you to share this guide with your neighbors and friends and encourage each other to make the most of these opportunities as you dine, shop, and stay active and entertained. Join the community conversation at The Parkdale Senior Living at our next gathering in the lounge, and exchange tips and stories about the deals you’ve discovered. To learn more about our community or to schedule a tour, please contact us today.

Written by The Parkdale

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