As you age, you notice lapses in memory, difficulty in socialization, and learning new things. Did you know that some parts of our body or brain develop atrophy because you’re not using it as much as you should? So while aging contributes to some cognitive decline, it’s inactivity that makes you mentally and physically rusty. Not […]
7 Tips for Downsizing as You Prepare to Move into Senior Living
Heading to another phase in your life is always both an exciting and scary experience. Perhaps one of the major life transitions you’ll go through at one point is moving into senior living. What makes the facility even more special is that it’s the place you’ll be spending the rest of your years. That said, […]
7 Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation for Seniors
As we get older, we take all the necessary steps to ensure that our physical body stays in tip-top shape. We learn to eat vegetables and stay away from fatty and cholesterol-rich food. We try to get our daily dose of physical activity for the day to ensure a healthy heart. We tend to sleep […]
How to Improve the Quality of Life For Seniors in Memory Care
Everyone strives hard in their younger years to rest comfortably and achieve a quality life in their golden years. But of course, many factors can hinder this as aging ultimately comes with its fair share of consequences. One such example is a chronic cognitive impairment disease called dementia. Dementia can significantly change a person’s life […]
7 Engaging Activities for Seniors in Dementia Memory Care
Dementia is a debilitating illness that profoundly affects a senior’s physical, mental, and social aspects. For starters, the disease affects one’s memory and other cognitive skills, making it difficult to go back to their favorite hobbies. As the symptoms get severe, seniors would tend to withdraw from social interactions and even the activities they once […]
7 Tips to Help Seniors Get Better Sleep
Now that you’re spending your retirement in the best senior living in Clinton Township, it’s time to get busy on things that you didn’t have time to do during your working years. This includes spending time with the family, traveling, or pursuing your passion. But don’t forget the most important one一finally getting the right hours […]
7 Reasons Why Seniors Should Be Active
As you get older and reach your golden years, you’ll start to worry more about your health. After all, old age usually makes a person vulnerable to a lot of health challenges, such as weakened muscles, decreased heart function, and cognitive problems. Fortunately, there is one healthy activity that can help you prevent all these […]
How to Easily Make Friends in Your New Senior Community
Nobody can make it through this world alone, not even the wise and battle-hardened generation of Baby Boomers. Social relationships make up most of your life since the day you were born. It shaped your personality, helped you navigate life, and impacted your overall well-being. There is no general manifesto on how to be a […]
How Seniors Benefit From Art Therapy
Have you ever noticed how listening to an upbeat song can suddenly make you feel happy and positive? Or how a quote from a book can evoke deep emotions in readers? That’s because art, in any form, plays a significant role in one’s life. It may well be physical activity, but it has a powerful […]
5 Ways Seniors Can Boost Their Mental Health
Life is a fast-moving journey. Suddenly, the kids are all grown up; you are retiring from your 20-year career and transitioning to a senior living in Clinton Township. Some may view this as a new and exciting part of their life. But others may struggle in coping with big life changes, affecting their mental health in […]