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The 7 Best New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors in Independent Living

We made it through 2021 and are now approaching 2022.  With the help of vaccines, some of the worst effects of the pandemic were mitigated. However, that doesn’t mean we should start ignoring our personal health goals. No matter how tough things have been, now is the time to start thinking about New Year’s resolutions […]

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4 Major Health Red Flags to Look Out for In a Senior Loved One this Holiday Season

There are many long-distance caregivers in the U.S.. According to the Caregivers in U.S. 2020 report, 11% of family caregivers match this description. But what is a long-distance caregiver? Well, they provide all the necessities of caregiving (emotional and physical support and more) to elders who live far away. However, due to limitations imposed by […]

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5 Assisted Living Myths You Should Know

Several wrong beliefs about assisted living might make seniors and their families wary of even considering it. However, it is critical to dispel stereotypes and underline how these facilities may assist elders with duties while maintaining their freedom. MYTH 1: The Food Is Barely Edible. TRUTH: As the Baby Boomers enter senior living, assisted living facilities […]

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How Being Creative Helps Seniors in Senior Living

It’s common for elderly people to fall into a routine that dampens their spirit and harms their physical and mental health. However, seniors can avoid this by engaging in various stimulating activities such as learning new arts like Painting and Coloring. These activities can help make their creative juices flow again. Seniors should express themselves […]

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How To Keep Your Mind Sharp As You Age

As you age, you notice lapses in memory, difficulty in socialization, and learning new things.  Did you know that some parts of our body or brain develop atrophy because you’re not using it as much as you should? So while aging contributes to some cognitive decline, it’s inactivity that makes you mentally and physically rusty. Not […]

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