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Category: Lifestyle

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Everything to Know About Sex Over 70

A smiling older couple in bed looking at each other and holding hands.

While age can bring about changes in the body, many older adults live independently and continue to experience rich, fulfilling lives. For some seniors, a fulfilling life can include remaining sexually active.  Older adults can continue to enjoy intimate relationships well into their 70s and beyond. By understanding the changes that occur in the body, […]

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How to Deal with Negativity in Elderly Parents

n adult child holds the hands of their senior parent in an effort to comfort them. They seem slightly stressed

Dealing with negativity in senior parents can be challenging and emotionally taxing. As parents age, they may experience various physical and mental health changes, which can lead to increased feelings of frustration, anxiety, and negativity.  Understanding the root causes of their feelings and implementing effective strategies can help you provide the support they need while […]

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Pickleball Tips for Seniors: Don’t Get Pickled in Your Next Match

A smiling pair of seniors holding pickleball equipment on an indoor court.

Trying new things is one of the most interesting parts of life, and for many seniors looking to live a healthier lifestyle, pickleball is becoming a popular hobby. The sport helps you with your balance, your hand-eye-coordination, and your reflexes without putting too much strain on your body. In recent years, more and more people […]

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Reminiscing: Questions for Seniors to Build Stronger Relationships

An older adult woman and her daughter sitting on a couch smiling and talking to each other while holding a cup of tea.

Building strong relationships with family and friends helps older adults live their golden years more independently, more joyfully, and with meaning. While life can get busy with work, children, and caring for loved ones, one of the best ways we can foster deeper connections with our aging parents is by asking thoughtful questions that encourage […]

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7 Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation for Seniors

A close-up side view of a tranquil senior woman with blonde hair meditating at home, sitting peacefully with her eyes closed.

Mindfulness meditation is a simple yet powerful practice that involves focusing your mind on the present moment. Mindfulness meditation encourages positive thought patterns and can be extremely beneficial, especially for seniors looking to keep their minds sharp as they age. It gives all kinds of benefits that can help seniors lead a better life, including: […]

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Outfit Ideas for Seniors in Assisted Living

A senior woman wearing a white t-shirt and a dark grey sweater as she sits and sips a cup of coffee.

Fashion should never be restricted by age or circumstances. As a senior in your life transitions into assisted living facilities, maintaining a sense of style and personal expression becomes even more crucial. However, comfort should always be included in the discussion. It can be extremely helpful to prioritize things like: By consciously choosing outfit ideas […]

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